Full company name Limited liability company «Specialized finance company VTB RKS-1»
Abbreviated company name LLC «SFC VTB RKS-1»
Legal address 119435, RU, Moscow, Bolshoy Savvinskiy lane, 10с2А, cabinet 203
Address (mailing addressс) 119435, RU, Moscow, Bolshoy Savvinskiy lane, 10с2А, cabinet 203
Date of state registration 18.06.2020
State registration number 1207700198452
TIN 9704018755
Registering authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service, MIFNS No. 46, Moscow
Management company name ООО «Тревеч – Управление»
Managing organization telephone +7 (499) 286-20-31
Bank details: ПАО Банк ВТБ (ФИЛИАЛ БАНКА ВТБ (ПАО) В Г. МОСКВЕ, Дополнительный офис "Лубянский"»
БИК: 044525187
К.с.: 30101810700000000187
Р.счет: 40701810426800000269


Full company name

Limited liability company «Specialized finance company VTB RKS-1»

Abbreviated company name


Legal address

119435, RU, Moscow, Bolshoy Savvinskiy lane, 10с2А, cabinet 203

Address (mailing address)

119435, RU, Moscow, Bolshoy Savvinskiy lane, 10с2А, cabinet 203

Date of state registration


State registration number




Registration authority

Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service, MIFNS No. 46, Moscow

Management company name

ООО «Тревеч – Управление»

Managing organization telephone

+7 (499) 286-20-31

Bank details: ПАО Банк ВТБ (ФИЛИАЛ БАНКА ВТБ (ПАО) В Г. МОСКВЕ, Дополнительный офис "Лубянский"»
БИК: 044525187
К.с.: 30101810700000000187
Р.счет: 40701810426800000269


Link to a page on the Internet, provided by one of the distributors of information on the securities market, on which the information is published https://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=38291